What's the first thing you do when you wake up? If you're like most people, it's to make your morning prayer (a ritual called "du'a"). But what if you don't know how to make one? And what if there are too many other things on your mind and today is not the day that Allah will help or listen to your requests? What then? We've gathered 10 simple but effective du'as for various occasions. Maybe reading them can help calm your mind, give you some serenity, and put everything back in perspective. We hope these du'as will provide comfort for those who need it most. Be sure to also check out the du'a for the Friday Prayer. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: Allah has angels stationed to record your du'as. So make dua, and ask from Allah whatever you need as these angels take your request up to Allah. And Allah is With those who do good. (Bukhari) Du'as or Prayers have been around since the beginning of man's history. The word itself means "supplication" or "communication. It has been believed that the creation of prayers is among the first things Allah created in the creation of His heaven and earth. Prayers are revealed by Allah to various people at various times. The knowledge of their existence was known since the creation of man. It was not until Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that Allah revealed them to mankind in order to make use of them and guide mankind. Through his guidance, mankind began to make use of these prayers and they were spread all over the world among different sects, religions, cultures and social classes. In this way, these prayers have been spread all over the world and numerous people all over the world have been benefited from them. There are three types of prayers: 1- Salat/ prayer ; 2- Dhikr/ remembrance; and 3- Istighatha/ asking for help. The difference between salat, dhikr and istighatha is the intention behind each of them. Salat is an act of obedience while dhikr is an act of worship for Allah. Istighatha on the other hand is simply a prayer that asks Allah for help therefore it does not need to be accompanied by any intention or worship to Allah. Concerning the du'a's, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave glad tidings to those who have been answered with a du'a. He said: "Make dua and Allah will respond to it." While a du'a is a request sent up to Allah from one's heart, it can also be a request from one's heart as if it were made by Allah directly. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "A man who has been granted his desire by Allah or has been spared from something he wished for, he should make dua as if he was asking Allah for it.
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